Services provided by the port
Weighing of goods
Storage of goods in closed and open warehouses
Additional services
Guaranteed year-round navigation (Ice-free port)
Top-class technology
Large storage area and long-term storage option
Friendly and flexible customer service
A team with long experience
4 loading docks with a draft of up to 10.5 m (EH2000)
Latest news

Bekker Port can now handle ships up to 30,000 tonnes due to increased depth
Due to continued investment by Bekker Port in upgrading the capabilities of its berths it is now possible for cargo ships with load-carrying capacity of up to 30,000 tonnes to be serviced.

Projekt koostöös KIKiga
Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus (KIK) on kaasaegsete, tarkade ja mõjusate lahenduste elluviija Eesti keskkonnamaastikul. Selleks töötavad nad välja praktikas rakendatavaid lahendusi, leiavad koostöö-…
Tallinna Bekkeri Sadamale väljastati ISO 9001:2015 sertifikaat
Tallinna Bekkeri Sadamale väljastati ISO 9001:2015 sertifikaat, mis tõendab, et ettevõtte juhtimissüsteem on kontrollitud ja vastavuses standardi nõuetega. Sertifikaadi väljastas Tallinna…
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